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Step 1: In the top-right side of the page, click "Add".
Step 2: Fill in the relevant details and click "Save" to create new supplier data.
The supplier list display all the supplier data created in the system.
Step 1: Open the details page, it will appear in a pop-up window on the right side of the page.
Option 1: Click on the data row directly.
Option 2: On the right side of the data row, click on "more ···" and then click "View.
Step 1: On the right-side of the data row, click more ···, and click "Edit".
Step 2: Modify the details and click "Submit" to implement the new changes made.
The supplier creator can only edit the data they've created
Only System Administrator can edit all the other suppliers created by other users
Step 1: On the right-side of the data row, click more ···, and click "Delete".
Step 2: Confirm the delete operation, and the data will be deleted and removed from the list.
Step 1: Select the data to be deleted, click "Batch delete" on the bottom left of the page.
Step 2: Confirm the delete operation, and the data will be deleted and removed from the list.
Non-admin user can only delete supplier they created and is not linked to any product information.
Step 1: Open the details, and it will display on the right-side of the page.
Option 1: Click on the data row directly.
Option 2: Go to the right-side of the data row, click more ···, and click "View".
Step 2: Click on the "Log" tab to view the log details.
The log data can be filtered by log type through the operation type, by the creation time using the existing time filter, or by customizing the range with the "Time range" button. Additionally, the [Search log] search box is used to search for log content.
Step 1: In the top-right corner of the page, click "Import".
Step 2: Export the template by clicking on "Export template".
Step 3: Fill up the Excel template.
Step 4: Select the updated Excel file by double-clicking on the file or click on the file and click "Open".
Step 5: Select whether you would like to add new data or update the existing data, once done, click on "Start importing" to begin the import.
Status message will pop-up once done.
When the import is complete, an Excel file will be generated to inform the user of the import status of all rows and provide an error message if the import failed.
Step 1: In the top-right corner of the page, click "Export".
Step 2: Select or de-select fields to be exported, and click "Confirm" to begin the process.
The system will automatically generate and download the exported data in Excel format onto the user's device.
This will export all the data that is shown on the current display list, across all pages. If your settings for the list are set to 10 results per page, the export will still include all existing data.
The user can also export the desired data by filtering, searching, and applying query conditions before the export.
Users can save their preferred filter by entering/selecting the condition and click "Save" or "Save and Search" to be directed to the result straight away.
Step 2: Fill in the relevant condition and click "Save".
A new filter condition has been created.
Click on the save icon when completed
New filter is created.
In the Advance Search, click on the (X) to delete the filter.
By entering relevant text regarding contact names in the search box, users will be able to filter suppliers with supplier names or phone no. or company address that are similar/matched to the text entered.
4.2.2 Advance Query
The [Advance Query] allows the users to create complex searches or filters by specifying detailed conditions and criteria.
Step 2: Fill in the relevant condition and click on "Search".
Step 1: Click on the icon next to the search box.
You can change the filter name by clicking on
Step 1: Click on the icon next to the search box.