Leave List
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Last updated
The Leave List display leave types applicable to the user with balance.
User Fullname: Displays the full name of the user.
Leave Type Balance: Shows the remaining leave balance for each leave type.
Allows users to view the leave balance details of resigned employees.
Enables the current user to search for specific resigned employees to refine results.
Provides options to filter records based on the following time ranges.
Step 1: Click on ··· for more options, click on "Log".
Detailed history of changes and actions related to the leave balance for the selected user.
Step 1: On the left side of the data row, click [···] for more options, and then click "Edit".
Step 2: In the [Edit user leave balance], modify the balance, and the modify reason, then click "Save" to make the changes.
Name: Displays only leave types that are applicable to the user and have a limited balance.
Current Period: The period for which the leave is calculated or managed.
If "Allow Extended Validity" is not selected, the leave is only valid within the specified time period, and any unused leave beyond that period will be automatically cleared by the system.
Monthly: If today is December 21, 2021, and 5 days of leave are issued on the 1st of each month, the period will be displayed as 2021-12-01 ~ 2021-12-31, regardless of whether [Allow Extended Validity] is selected.
Yearly (Based on Employee Onboarding Date): If leave is issued on the employee's onboarding date, the period is one year from the onboarding anniversary date. For example, if the onboarding date is June 1, 2017, the period for 2021 is 2021-06-01 ~ 2022-05-31.
Yearly (January 1 Release): If leave is issued on January 1 every year, the period is the current calendar year. For example, 2021-01-01 ~ 2021-12-31.
No Fixed Cycle (Forever): The period is displayed as Forever.
No Fixed Cycle (Expires after N Days): The period is displayed as Valid for N days after issuance.
No Fixed Cycle (Custom M ~ N): The period is displayed as M ~ N.
Quota allocation rule: by working life, service in company, or Age: If the relevant fields in the HR profile are empty, the period is displayed as [-].
Leave Balance: Editable text box allowing manual updates to the leave balance.
Modify Reason: Logs the reason for changes, facilitating traceability in the leave log.
Historical Leave Balance: Displays the historical leave balances for reference.
Step 1: Click on the "Clear" button to clear all leave type's historical leave balance.
Step 2: Click "Confirm" to proceed.
Only applicable to leave that enabled 'Extend valid period'
Reset all the historical leave balance to 0 and will not affect the current cycle's leave balance.
Takes effect immediately after execution."
Leave that did not enable 'Extend Valid Period', "Historical leave does not count toward accrual" will display at the end of the row.
If the leave are not fixed cycled, "Cycle is set to only once" will display at the end of the row.
Step 1: Click on the "Batch Edit" on the top-right side of the page.
Step 2: Select the leave
Step 3: Modify the leave balance and the personnel this change will affect.
Step 4: Click "Submit" to save the changes made.
Step 1: In the top-right corner of the page, click "Import".
Step 2: Export the template by clicking on "Export template"
Step 3: Fill up the Excel template
Step 4: Select the updated Excel file by double-clicking on the file or click on the file and click "Open".
Step 5: Select whether you would like to [add new data] or [update the existing data] or [add data and update existing data], once done, click on "Start importing" to begin the import.
When the import is complete, an Excel file will be generated to inform the user of the import status of all rows.
Step 1: In the top-right corner of the page, click "Export".
The system will automatically generate and download the exported data in Excel format onto the user's device.
Can export all leave types and corresponding balances for everyone/a single department/an employee.
Step 1: On the left side of the data row, click [···] for more options, and then click "Log".
The log is defaulted to displayed as a timeline chart, with the time of occurrence shown on the left and the operation type and details displayed on the right.