Enter expense
Create Expense Entry
Last updated
Create Expense Entry
Last updated
Allow users to enter the reimbursement data for users, departments, companies, and projects.
In the [Enter Expense] menu, fill in the required fields and click "Submit" to create a new expense entry. If there are additional expenses to log, the user can click "Save and Next" to proceed with the next entry.
Field Explanation:
Reimburser: The individual making the reimbursement; Defaults as current user, mandatory, can only select one user, and resigned users cannot be selected.
Budget used: Budget this expense will utilise to deduct from.
Reason: Justification for the reimbursement.
Reimbursement Date: Date when the expense was incurred; Defaults to today's date and is mandatory.
Reimbursement amount: Total amount being reimbursed for this expense.
Reimbursement category: Indicates the expense category being reimbursed. If categories are hierarchical, only the lowest-level category can be selected.
Expense beneficiary: Specifies who benefited from the expense; Options can include a department, individual user, company, or project.
If there are several entries to be recorded at once, the user can use the Multi-Enter function to log several entries simultaneously.
Step 1: Click on the "Multi enter" on the top-right side of the page.
Step 2: Fill in the entries and click on "Submit" to create them.
The user will still have to fill in the scope of Expense beneficiary based on the options selected.
Step 1: In the top-right corner of the page, click "Import".
Step 2: Export the template by clicking on "Export template"
Step 3: Fill up the Excel template
Step 4: Select the updated Excel file by double-clicking on the file or click on the file and click "Open".
Step 5: Click "Start importing" to begin the import.
When the import is complete, an Excel file will be generated to inform the user of the import status of all rows.
The system will check if the current expense entry will exceed the budget if submitted. Reminder will be prompted and entry may be blocked based the budget settings.